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I love to write about the work that I have done over the last 35 years.  Because I have interfaced with the value-added players in my client companies, I have an unusual perspective on business change and how processes work.  For that reason, I have been studying the details of how companies fail to meet their profit goals by not aligning Strategy with Process (just maybe, it’s the other way around).  And I am going to talk about that with this blog.  I have had other issues over the years that have captured my interest and they are included in the blog: 5/67 Problem Solving, Tribal Knowledge Paradigm, Culture of Innovation, and many other issues.  Whatever, enjoy the material.

Tribal Knowledge and the 5/67 Rule

Tribal Knowledge and the 5/67 Rule

The 5/67 Rule is a subset of the 20/80 Rule or 80/20 Rule.  We discovered it during our War on Waste.  We were always in a hurry to get projects completed and we didn’t have time to look at 20% of the problem.  But we did have time to look at 5% of the...

Adam Smith’s Mistake and Me

Adam Smith’s Mistake and Me

By Leonard Bertain, Ph.D. 1.  Summary I  have been teaching client employees to solve problems over the last 35 years.  Mind you, over those years, I helped client companies address over 10,000 ideas and helped them generate over $2 Billion of first...

The 95/33 Solution

The 95/33 Solution

In a previous article, we described the “Common Core” solution in a remanufacturing plant. The main line business addressed the most frequently used cores, what we called “the common cores.”  But there was another business opportunity that we discovered that had...

“Optimistic Humanism” needs “No Blame”

“Optimistic Humanism” needs “No Blame”

I just saw a 3 minute video of Steve Jobs talking about "Optimistic Humanism." In the video he is talking about Quality and the role that it should play in a business and acknowledged by customers. His initial point in the video is that "the Japanese don't talk about...